When you were pregnant, did you ever think, “Nah, I don’t need that,” or “I’ll be fine without that,” but then later you found yourself wishing that you had it? (I’m nodding my head, too). Well, consider these things to buy when pregnant!
I am a very frugal person.
Saving money makes me ecstatic. I love seeing the cash build up in our bank account, I love dreaming about retirement, I love good deals and coupons and DIY’s and Dollar Tree.
So when I became pregnant, I only wanted to spend money on the necessities. I wanted to use what I already had on hand when possible.
It will be easy, I thought. I don’t need all those extra things that everyone else says you need.
And for the most part, I feel like I did really well. However, there were a few things that I wish I would have invested in during my pregnancy to make the experience easier and more comfortable for myself. I can’t say that these are items that every pregnant woman wishes she had, but they are ones I found myself longing for pretty consistently during my pregnancy. I wish that I would have invested in them.
When it comes to what things to buy when pregnant, I don’t think you really know what you are going to want until you need it. And vice versa. You might buy all these other things, and only when you don’t use them at all do you realize that you never needed them in the first place.
This post is all about the things to buy when pregnant.
Things To Buy When Pregnant:
3 Things I Thought I Didn’t Need During Pregnancy That I Wish I Had
1. Pill Container

It seems pretty unnecessary and silly to use a pill container, I thought as I swallowed my daily prenatal, 6 weeks along in my pregnancy. Taking pills isn’t THAT hard.
Welp, I ate my own words. It was actually really hard! Not so much at the beginning of my pregnancy because I was only taking my prenatal vitamins and my folate. But as I got further along in my journey, my midwife slowly added more vitamins to my regimen depending on what my body needed. Pretty soon my daily intake of pills increased from three vitamins, to six vitamins, to ten, to twelve…
Whew! When the number gets past five pills, I start loosing track! Not to mention how easy it is to think you already took your pills that day, when in reality, you are just getting confused with taking your pills the day before. When you take so many vitamins every. single. day, your days tend to blend together.
I remember being midway through my second semester, telling myself DAILY that I really wish I had some way to help me remember to take my pills. A pill container would appear in my mind and I would make a mental note to go buy one, and then I’d forget (#pregnancybrain).
I would recommend some type of way to organize your daily pills, especially if you are taking many vitamins like I did. A pill container is an easy solution and would make a big difference!
2. Maternity Clothes

Throughout my pregnancy, I used the clothes I already had on hand, plus a couple of maternity pieces that friends or family had gifted to me. I even wore my husbands pants throughout my second and third trimester when my pants didn’t fit anymore!
Even though I wanted to look cute, I was too stubborn to buy anything new for my pregnancy belly because I didn’t see the point. I mean, I was only going to be pregnant for nine months, and it wasn’t until I hit 6-7 months that most of my clothes didn’t fit. So really, buying clothes to wear for only 3 months seemed so temporary and impractical to me.
So I didn’t. I didn’t buy one piece of clothing for myself to compliment my growing belly.
And let me tell you. I felt absolutely ugly all the time.
I shouldn’t have, I know, but it was hard not to. It was my first pregnancy, and I had never experienced such fast changes in my body. I wasn’t prepared mentally for what was happening to me.
If I would have done it over again, I would have invested in a few beautiful pieces of clothing. Not maternity specific, although you can if you’d prefer. But things that I could wear while I was pregnant AND after I gave birth, so that I felt justified to buy them haha. Clothes that are flowy or stretchy are great for this!
Now, you don’t need a whole new pregnancy wardrobe! But please please please do yourself a favor and buy a few things that make you feel beautiful and sexy with your pregnant belly!
3. Pregnancy Pillow

When I hit the last few months of pregnancy, sleeping was a nightmare.
I am a side sleeper. This is recommended anyway for the safety of the baby, so that wasn’t hard to get used to.
However, there is a point where your hips loosen and expand more in preparation for birthing your baby. It typically starts in the second, maybe third trimester. And they get sore. Soooo sore. I also have arthritis in my hips (yes, young people can have arthritis), which didn’t help, and the added baby pressure from sleeping on my side made them hurt even more.
During the last month or two of my pregnancy, I remember sleeping horribly! Throughout the night, I would wake up several times with aches all over. I’d try to get comfortable while also staying in a safe sleeping position for my baby. So I’d surround myself with basic pillows in all sorts of ways to help support my pregnant body, but nothing was supportive enough.
I wish I would have had something like a pregnancy pillow, made for pregnant women. It would’ve helped relieve the hip pain I felt, allowing me to get a better nights sleep. It takes a toll on you when you don’t sleep very well, especially BEFORE the baby is born! Because then you don’t sleep after the baby is born. And you will be forever tired in a way you’ve never been that is difficult to explain.
So, some kind of sleeping support that is good quality, whether it’s a pregnancy pillow, a body pillow, a more comfortable mattress, etc, will be a godsend in those last few months. Do your research and read reviews.
Make sure you can sleep well while you are pregnant, because sleeping will never be the same!
There are a lot of things that happen during pregnancy. Moms prefer all sorts of things to help them with the changes. These are just three things that I wish I had for myself 😛
What was something you never had while you were pregnant that you wish you did? Let all the mamas know in the comments below!
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